Our intersecting crises of homelessness, mental health, and addiction are a direct result of City Hall’s failure over multiple decades to meet the moment. We have not built enough housing or invested in long-term treatment and prevention. With housing costs continuing to skyrocket and the most lethally addictive drugs ever known flooding our streets, these crises pose the most significant threat to San Francisco’s long-term survival since the Great Fire.
We cannot solve these crises in isolation or continue our failed piecemeal approach of applying band aids to festering wounds. We must think as big as the problem. That is why I am proposing the most ambitious project San Francisco has ever embarked on, taking the lessons of our failures and turning them into our strengths to show the world what San Franciscans are capable of when we are united in resolve and focus.
I am proposing a commitment of $1 billion in existing funds to construct an Addiction and Mental Health Housing and Recovery Complex within two years at the Hunters Point Navy Yard. We will finally clean up the toxic mess that has been allowed to fester there and we will transform our scattershot approach into a targeted laser beam of intervention unifying existing and untapped resources. Together we will develop a singular, comprehensive solution.
In coordination with the federal and state government we will declare a time-limited 2 year State of Emergency to fully marshall the resources at every level and remove time consuming barriers to action.
It is time for us to think as big as the problem. San Francisco must embark on a Moonshot—a bold endeavor that dares us to think on the grandest scale possible to transform our city into a global pioneer in combating our addiction, mental health and housing crises, reigniting the fire within our community and medical professionals to step back into the fight.
We will utilize $200 million from San Francisco's opioid settlements as our initial investment. Additionally, we will redirect funding streams designated for housing and homelessness, such as $100 million from Prop C funds and $100 million from the Health Care Security Fund, as well as seek support from statewide initiatives like the new Mental Health Bond and CARE Courts. Federal funds, philanthropy, and contributions from neighboring Bay Area cities and counties will also bolster our efforts. We will finally clean up the Navy Yard and streamline and coordinate existing funding sources and condense our endeavors into one unified mission:
In 2 years, create the most comprehensive and sustained approach to addiction, mental health, and housing in the United States, accountable to tangible results and the recovery of our community.
The Addiction and Mental Health Housing and Recovery Complex
➔ Addiction and mental health specific emergency room/overdose prevention to relieve regional hospital emergency rooms.
➔ 4,000 beds for addiction and mental health treatment..
➔Combine all street teams as well as street violence prevention teams into one unit.
10,000 Total Housing Units:
➔1,000 Step-down Housing Units
➔1,000 Temporary Supportive Housing Units (Tiny Homes)
➔1,000 Permanent Supportive Housing Units
➔1,000 Sober Living Environment Units
➔5,000 Deeply Affordable Social Housing Apartments prioritized for teachers and first responders.
➔Full scale reentry program so those living in recovery have the ability to fully participate in society.
➔CARE Court, Drug Court and diversion programs will be housed in the Justice Hall of the Complex.
➔All mental health and addiction contracts with nonprofits will be changed to include not only harm reduction outreach but also the number of people they direct into treatment at the Complex.
A Coordinated and Time-Limited State of Emergency
Akin to the urgency of the COVID epidemic, we will marshal the urgency and resources necessary to make the Complex operational in 2 years or less through a coordinated State of Emergency by the City and County of San Francisco, the State of California, and the federal government. It will last for 2 years.
The Coordinated State of Emergency will:
➔ Enable expeditious cleaning and reclamation of the Navy Yard land.
➔Allow preemption of local land use regulation as necessary for construction of the Complex.
➔ Empower the Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Department of Health and Human Services to immediately begin clean-up, design and construction preparation for the Complex in coordination with state and local partner agencies.
➔ Allow EMT-P licensees to transport patients to medical facilities other than acute care hospitals when approved by the California EMS Authority.
➔ Allow San Francisco to access out-of-state talent that lets medical professionals come in with out-of-state licensing and credentials and maintain those credentials and licensing status.
➔ Instruct the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) that all commercial and Medi-Cal health plans regulated by DMHC immediately reduce cost-sharing to zero for all medically necessary treatment for opioid addiction. The California Department of Insurance will issue a similar directive for insurers providing commercial health insurance.